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Buch634.png Book
  • 216 pages, coloured, paperback
  • Size: 22 x 28 cm
  • Blurb:
    »One hundert years ago - on 17th December 1903 - five people in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, looked on as two brothers changed the course of history: Wilbur and Orville Wright had achieved humankind's first powered, sustained and controlled flight.
    Since this event, the marvel of flight has become a reality in even the...«

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catalogue number 634
Coutts Clay, Jennifer:
Jetliner Cabins.
new, fully updated edition. Chichester: Wiley-Academy 2006.
ISBN-10: 0-470-01933-6
ISBN-13: 978-0-470-01933-7

last update: December 26, 2023