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book (1265 of 1409)

Buch958.png Book
  • 84 pages, coloured, hardcover, Roman
  • Size: 26 x 22 cm
  • Blurb:
    »Bernard Weber takes as his point of departure the myth of the white leopard as described in Hemingway's foreword to his novel, “The Snows of Kilimanjaro”. He provides us with a captivating account of what might have happened had Hemingway run into Baron von Rothschild, one of Europe's richest men, and Walter Mittelholzer,...«

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catalogue number 958
The White Leopard. Bernard Weber alias Walter Mittelholzer on the tracks of Ernest Hemingway.
München: C. J. Bucher Verlag GmbH & Co. KG 1999.

last update: December 26, 2023