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book (790 of 1409)

Buch820.png Book
  • 154 pages, black-and-white, paperback
  • Size: 14 x 20 cm
  • Blurb:
    »Glamour and Turbulence: I remember Pan Am, 1966-91, by Aimée Bratt, tells the tale of the inevitable demise of Pan Am from the viewpoint of one who served on the front lines. For close thirty years, Ms. Bratt was a flight attendant for that once-revered airline. She saw it all and relates to her readers stories from the...«

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catalogue number 820
Bratt, Aimée:
Glamour and Tourbulence. I remember Pan Am 1966-91.
First edition. New York: Vantage Press, Inc. 1996.
ISBN-13: 978-0-533-11972-1

last update: December 26, 2023