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Buch (1247 von 1409)

Buch99.png Buch
  • 159 Seiten, farbig, gebunden
  • Größe: 22 x 16 cm
  • Klappentext:
    »Contains over 200 superb full colour photographs and illustrations
    Specifications and histories of 40 of the world's leading airliners
    Up-to-date markings of the world's major airlines and their operating histories
    92 of the smaller airlines - their histories and their liveries
    Current fleet lists for all...«

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Katalognummer 99
Campbell, Christy:
The Hamlyn Guide to: Commercial Aircraft & Airline Markings.
London: Chancellor Press 1994.
ISBN-10: 1-85152-581-5

aktualisiert am: 26. Dezember 2023