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Buch (33 von 1409)

Buch803.png Buch
  • 51 Seiten, farbig, gebunden
  • Größe: 12 x 18 cm
  • Klappentext:
    »This book tells the exciting story of flight. It begins with the first “bird men” who strapped feathered wings on their arms, and it ends with the most modern jet aeroplanes. The splendid pictures and the simply told story pick out all the outstanding events of this astonishing achievements of man – the conquest of the air.«

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Katalognummer 803
Bowood, Richard:
A ladybird achievements book, Series 601, Bd. 1: The story of flight.
Loughborough: Wills & Hepworth Ltd. 1960.

aktualisiert am: 26. Dezember 2023