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Buch (164 von 1409)

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  • 352 Seiten, schwarz-weiß, gebunden
  • Größe: 30 x 26 cm
  • Klappentext:
    »Aviation: The Early Years chronicles the first years of man-powered flight in photographs, from the end of the last century to the era of the great Zeppelins. Within the space of a few years at the turn of the 20th century the world shrank. Vast distances were traversed by air, technology raced ahead and whole new concepts...«

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Katalognummer 65
Almond, Peter:
Aviation. The Early Years. Die Anfänge der Luftfahrt. Les Premières Années de l'Aéronautique.
Köln: Könemann Verlagsgesellschaft mbH 1997.
ISBN-10: 3-89508-682-7

aktualisiert am: 26. Dezember 2023