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Buch (143 von 1409)

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  • 194 Seiten, farbig, broschiert, Geschichte
  • Größe: 21 x 28 cm
  • Klappentext:
    »The rise and fall of Ansett is one of the great stories in Australian corporate and aviation history, covering more than six decades of struggle, triumph and failure in an exciting and sometimes unpredictable business. This comprehensive document tells the full story of Ansett from its establishment in 1936 to its demise...«

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Katalognummer 62
Wilson, Stewart:
Ansett. The story of the rise and fall of Ansett 1936 - 2002.
Fyshwick: Aerospace Publications Pty Ltd 2002.
ISBN-10: 1-875671-57-9

aktualisiert am: 26. Dezember 2023