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  • 32 Seiten, farbig, gebunden
  • Größe: 29 x 36 cm
  • Klappentext:
    »It was the largest object ever to fly... But what the world remembers is its disastrous end.
    The giant airship Hindenburg offered passengers both luxury and speed – crossing the ocean in an unheard-of two and a half days. But on May 6, 1937, it crashed to the ground in flames. Now, thanks to breathtakingly realistic...«

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Katalognummer 584
Majoor, Mireille / Marschall, Ken:
Inside the Hindenburg.
Toronto: McArthur & Company 2000.
ISBN-10: 1-55278-148-8

aktualisiert am: 26. Dezember 2023