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Buch (85 von 1409)

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  • 176 Seiten, schwarz-weiß, gebunden, Geschichte
  • Größe: 15 x 22 cm
  • Klappentext:
    »„...The path of the true adventurer is a lonely one. There is little room for companions and the road is traveled with very little baggage. In the stories of many full and successful careers has been the imprint of an adventurer. But the one element denied to the true adventurer, whether of the spirit or the flesh, is...«

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Katalognummer 402
Fyzee, Murad:
Aircraft and Engine Perfect. The story of JRD Tata who opened up the Skies for his country.
New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited 1991.
ISBN-10: 0-07-460120-2

aktualisiert am: 26. Dezember 2023