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Buch183.png Buch
  • 216 Seiten, farbig, gebunden, Kochbuch
  • Größe: 25 x 32 cm
  • Klappentext:
    »Australia's farmers, producers, growers and chefs are the energy and force behind the food paradise that is Australia. Captured within Ansett's dining high are stunning recipes from some of the best chefs from Australia and overseas, many of whom have taken their inspiration from Australia's wonderful local produce...«

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Katalognummer 183
Ansett Australia (Hrsg.) / Bilson, Tony / Doyle, Peter:
dining high. Stunning Recipes from Australia's Master Chefs.
Edgecliff: Focus Publishing Pty. Ltd. 2000.
ISBN-10: 1-875359-58-3

aktualisiert am: 26. Dezember 2023