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  • 160 Seiten, farbig, gebunden
  • Größe: 22 x 29 cm
  • Klappentext:
    »The forecast was that nearly £3billion would be spent in 1987 by British holidaymakers taking inclusive tours by air. It is, perhaps, difficult to realise that it is only a quarter of a century ago that this huge growth industry was still in its birth pangs.
    A pioneer of the business was Ted Langton who has been...«

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Katalognummer 1170
Cuthbert, Geoffrey:
Flying to the sun. Quarter century of Britannia Airways, Europe's leading leisure airline.
London, Sydney, Auckland, Toronto: Hodder and Stoughton 1987.
ISBN-10: 0-340-41020-5

aktualisiert am: 26. Dezember 2023